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Lode King Photo Contest

Attention all Lode King owners! Lode King is conducting a photo contest for our first ever 2017 Photo Contest Wall Calendar. Participating is easy. As you work and travel with your Lode King trailer this spring, summer, and fall, take horizontal (landscape) photos of your trailer in action in scenic locations and enter them into the contest.

The top 13 photos will be selected to appear on the pages of the calendar. A grand prize of an iPad Air 2 will be awarded to each winning photograph. (One for popular online vote, and the other selected by the sta at Lode King.)

Photos can be submitted either at or by using the hashtag #lodekingcontest16 on Instagram. If submitting via Instagram, please read the contest “requirements” found at


Two Grand Prizes!


The top 13 photos will be selected to appear on the pages of the calendar. A grand prize of an iPad Air 2 will be awarded to each winning photograph. (One for popular online vote, and the other selected by the sta at Lode King.)

Also published on Medium